SEEN | Voice + Visibility Activation - SELF STUDY

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2025 PLANNER | MAD HATTER STYLE | 2 for 1 | 30% OFF

When my often ⭐️ neuro-sparkly, always ❤️‍🔥 creative clients kept asking me for planner recommendations and I had ... nothing to suggest

... I decided to take matters into my own hands and designed my own, and here she is. The Mad Hatter's Planner includes 152 pages overflowing with:

- Lots of colour with each month mapped with a different colour to help embed + enliven your journey

- Plenty of blank pace to doodle, brainstorm or mindmap your way to your next golden biz idea!

- A super simple week-per-page planner anchored with positive paradigm-shifting affirmation or reminder 

- Ample space to dream + scheme and also reflect and learn to bookend each month and

- Including a BONUS 2024 Celebrating, Clearing + Composting and 2025 Anchoring and Activating section


I believe business is an act of love ❤️ and we're here to make a massive contribution to the world by delivering our unique message + its medicine through the fullest, most unapologetic versions of our out-of-the-box selves!

This 152 juicy pages planner is designed to help you do EXACTLY that!


Purchase and get INSTANT ACCESS to not one but TWO different versions, and choose the one the love the most:  


MHP25 - retro - group


❤️‍🔥 OR WILD WOMAN    

MHP25 - wild - group




Order summary


SEEN | Voice + Visibility Activation - SELF STUDY

Voice + Visibility Activation for Disruptors, Rebels + Revolutionaries .. so that they can step into their true Legacy + Thought Leadership #itsaboutdamntime

Join Storyteller and Voice + Visibility Catalyst Kylie Patchett enter this voice + visibility journey to discover the “storytelling strategy + energetic magic” secret formula to expanding your capacity to be seen + heard and clarify + amplfy your paradigm-shifting message from your full POTENCY...

... So that you can call in soulmate clients, magical opportunities and perfect-fit collaborators… And stop fcking around doing the busy work and get down to changing the world.


❤️‍🔥 The SEEN experience was originally held live November 15-25 2024, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so we've decided to throw open the doors and allow people inside for a self-study experience of the WILD + POWERFUL journey...

one that you can take your time to marinate in and the space + grace to integrate the 2 pre-recorded calls and 11 days worth of voice + visibility activations, with over 11 hours of video content (also available as audio or transcript).  


📣 Please note you are purchasing the SELF STUDY version of SEEN, and as such there is no live interaction with Kylie or community-sharing space included with your purchase. 


Total due $33

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