Chaos to Calm trans

Do you love the idea of sailing through perimenopause as a natural, normal transition time, but in reality, you're feeling stressed, stretched and not able to cope?

Perimenopause marks a significant phase in a woman's life, and while the physical symptoms are widely acknowledged, the emotional and mental shifts that accompany perimenopause are equally impactful. 

The hormonal fluctuations, coupled with the demands of daily life, can create a perfect storm of stress and emotional turbulence: resulting in lowered stress tolerance, depression, anxiety and loss of confidence for some of us. We can go from a reasonably calm, capable, energetic woman .... to well, just not feeling like ourselves anymore.  

The Chaos to Calm menoPAUSE Course is all about teaching you simple self-soothing techniques designed to shift you from chaos, overwhelm, and feeling like you're about to lose your sh*t, to feeling calmer, less stressed and more in control.

Don't Worry! We're talking Self Care SNACKS here, with each simple tool done in under 10 minutes - so there's no need to try to carve out some mythical 2-hour self-care break just to take care of you!!

less stressed

Grab my Chaos to Calm Course

And receive instant access to my Top Ten simple self care snacks you can use to feeling calmer, more grounded and way more "in control" 

And all this for only $198 AUD (which is about $125 USD or €120.


pink wiht shadow
Kylie Patchett: KP Kreative

“ I felt at the height of shit in my perimenopausal journey. Mentally, I was struggling with mood swings, brain fog, feeling like I always wanted to cry, lack of motivation. Physically I had night sweats. Emotionally I was very sad and teary.

Although my self care was ok, I needed a little extra push to really take care of myself.

I found learning about the physical, emotional and spiritual changes that we are going through really helpful. Now, I’m definitely more mindful of what my needs are and know when to give myself the time, space and love that I need.”

Mebourne Australia

Here's what we'll cover

What's Inside:

The core course materials are immediately available inside the online course portal. You will get instant access to all 10 Self Care Snack lessons immediately and best of all, the lessons are easy to access on the go via your phone.

 Streaming videos 

Watch anywhere, anytime you need to destress or self-soothe. No need to try to carve out hours for self care - 5-10 minutes is all you need. 

 Audio Files

If you need to throw in some earplugs and listen in on the go, our portal allows you to listen to the audio file rather than watch the videos.


Designed to help you self-assess the emotional and mental changes of perimenopause,  when to seek professional help and provides a written summary of each lesson too. 

Medi bonuses trans

Grab my Chaos to Calm Course

And receive instant access to my Top Ten simple self care snacks you can use to feeling calmer, more grounded and way more "in control"  

pink wiht shadow

Hey there, I'm Kylie!

Like a switch had been flipped when I turned 47, I went from reasonably “stable”, energetic, capable woman to

... swinging from rage to bawling my eyes out in 2.3 secs

... struggling to sleep more than 2 hours at a time

... dropping balls left right and centre and

... emotionally drowning under a pile of unhealed trauma that I just couldn’t keep under the surface anymore. 

As an ex-biologist, I was shocked that compared to my vague notion that "one day, when I'm old, my periods will just stop one day”the reality of the sudden changes I experienced left me seriously struggling.

I made it my mission to learn all I could about this menoPAUSE thing, was forced to learn how to take truly care of myself for the first time in my life, and have made massive life shifts as a result.

These days, I help other midlife women walk this sometimes messy, sometimes magical journey with more awareness, compassion and way more self care.

I am so glad you’re here, 

See you on the inside! 


pink wiht shadow