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S4E12 Diving to the Depths with Priestess Melanie Monaco

Melanie is a mentor and priestess passionate about helping people cultivate self-love through a blend of wellness, spiritual, and psychological practices. She trains and certifies Self-Love Coaches, facilitates Ritual Facilitator and Spiritual Leader Initiations, and offers transformative programs, retreats, and workshops.

She founded The Self-Love Lifestyle, integrating her extensive training in both spiritual healing and personal transformation. She has a background in archetypal psychology, energy healing, yoga and movement, intuitive eating and holistic nutrition, and a family lineage of ceremony and ritual facilitation.

This episode was such a deep joy to record, and we chat about:

  • Melanie's connection to theatre, and how this "slipping into other people's skins" as an actor helped her to process emotions she was otherwise unable to access due to earlier trauma
  • how this naturally led to the study of archetypal psychology and led her to training under the tutelage of Clarissa Pinkola Estés, American writer and Jungian psychoanalyst and author of Women Who Run With Wolves
  • how early eating disorders and body dysmorphia unfolded into leading the Self Love Lifestyle, and how rituals and spiritual practices have woven into this work
  • Melanie's Native American ancestry and European pagan roots, and how they have interwoven into an early spiritual connection and unfolded into her evolution to priestess
  • why we can be triggered when first hearing people claiming the title priestess and an explanation of where that resistance and fear originates
  • the culmination of all the psychology, somatic and energetic modalities & spiritual practises that Melanie has trained in and embodies have culminated into an alchemical coaching methodology called The Sacred Method

Find Melanie online at www.melaniemonaco.com
On instagram here 

and Find her Guided Rituals Ritual app mentioned in this episode for Apple here (also coming soon to Android)



Hey there beautiful! I have something for you! ⤵️


once ipad shadow

Cookie-cutter copywriting frameworks would have you believe that you need to write in a specific way

But the problem is (for us heart-driven paradigm-shifters at least) treating people like a number and manipulating them through a sausage-factory style, impersonal funnel does NOT feel like how we would naturally engage and interact in the real.

🚫 Writing like this can feel like you are SELLING YOUR SOUL, and can fuel a mistaken belief you have be a BS artist to make it in business.

🚫 Worse still - you REPEL YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS - the ones who are deep feelers and thinkers like us, the ones who are ready for the transformation and paradigm-shifting work you actually do!

⬇️ Download your ONCE UPON A TIME storytelling guide to learn ...

✍️ The difference between copywriting + storytelling, and how you're repelling your ideal people when you're using one-size-fits-all copywriting that doesn't feel like you

✍️ Storytelling structures you (may not know, but already love) from movies and exactly how to use these structures in your business, to share stories and build know, like and trust with your community and

✍️ The 6 soul-fuelled stories you should be sharing right now, so you can be magnetic to the people who need + want you the most, because being the best kept secret on the internet is NOT helping your ideal fits-like-a-glove clients find you!


S411: Designed for Disruption with Kirstin Bouse
S4E13: A Soft Place to Land with Kate Codrington


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