
My Midlife / MenoPAUSE Little Black Book

My Midlife _ Menopause little black book

I am often asked "who should I go to about this?" in relation to a specific area of Menopause, so I thought I should roll out my little black book of fave menoPAUSE experts and share a few of my faves with you all:

My Midlife _ Menopause little black book 2

šŸ’œ Angelique Clark - Perimenopause Dietitian, Advanced Physique Sports Dietitian, Nutritionist, EP - brilliant, down to earth guide on what females actually need to fuel themselves through our midlife transition, Ange is from French heritage and this colours her approach to food aā€¦


High Five to the Non Sex Hormones too (aka WTAF is Happening to Me in Perimenopause?) Post 4 of 4

non sex hormones

Over the last 3 posts in this 4 part series we have gotten to know Oestrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone, the three sex hormones impacted by the perimenopausal transition.

But what about the non-sex hormones that are impacted?

Well let me share 4 of my favourites to help you better understand some of the symptoms which may crop up!

High Five to the Non Sex Hormones too (aka WTAF is Happening to Me in Perimenopause?) Post 4 of 4 Serotonin

High Five to the Non Sex Hormones too (aka WTAF is Happening to Me in Perimenopause?) Post 4 of 4 - oxytocin

High Five to the Non Sex Hormones too (aka WTAF is Happening to Me in Perimenopause?) Post 4 of 4 - Dopamine

High Five to the Non Sex Hormones too (aka WTAF is Happening to Me in Perimenopause?) Post 4 of 4 - Melatonin

Doesnā€™t that make it way more to understand if/when your mood, sleep, motivation, connection with others or sense of pleasure in life shifts during ā€¦


Hey There Testosterone (aka WTAF is Going on in Perimenopause?) post 3 of 4


Hey There Testosterone!

A pivotal point in my own perimenopause journey was getting to know the function of
each of the sex hormones through my Yoga for the Stages of Menopause training with
Niamh from Yinstinct and the ā€œpersonificationā€ of each of these hormones.

All of a sudden, this huge array of symptoms and shifts during this transition all made
sense. Im featuring one of these sex hormones each week.

Today, we get up close and personal with testosterone!

Testosterone plays a role in vitalā€¦


Hello Progesterone (aka WTAF is Going on in Perimenopause?) post 2 of 4


A pivotal point in my own perimenopause journey was getting to know the function of
each of the sex hormones through my Yoga for the Stages of Menopause training with
Niamh from Yinstinct Yoga.

All of a sudden, this huge array of symptoms and shifts during this transition all made
sense. I'm featuring one of these sex hormones each post.

Today, we get up close and personal with progesterone!
Progesterone plays a role in brain, heart, and breast health.

-> Shifting progesterone can be behind varieā€¦


Introducing Oestrogen (aka WTAF is Going on in Perimenopause?) Post 1 of 4


Introducing. . . . OESTROGEN!! aka understanding WTAF is going on with me in perimenopause!?

A pivotal point in my own perimenopause journey was getting to know the
function of each of the sex hormones through my Yoga for the Stages of Menopause
training with Niamh from Yinstinct Yoga and the ā€œpersonificationā€ of each of these hormones.

All of a sudden, this huge array of symptoms and shifts during this transition all made
sense. Im featuring one of these sex hormones each week.
Today, we get up cā€¦


What I Learnt from My Social Media Sabbatical

What I Learnt from my Social Media Sabbatical

It's been 6 whole weeks since I logged of the socials to take a sabattical as one-part
experiment // one-part need to make space coz study/work/life/fam was feeling way too

W-O-A-H is all I can say.

I knew the gram specially was taking a lot of space, and was my favourite procrasti-
scrolling tool, but I didn't expect quite this much magic to come out of taking some time out.

Since my last email lots had ben going on:

-> I thrived through the last month of winter,
our eldest turned 19, oā€¦


Why Do We Find it So Hard to Take Care of Ourselves?

whay do we find it so hard to take care of ourselves

What you would do if you walked into a room and a baby was crying with distress alone in its crib?

Your VERY NATURAL response is going to be:

- Pick the baby up and snuggle it close
- Use your voice to soothe and calm
- Cuddle / rock / sway / change movements to settle
- Respond to actual physical needs - hunger, thirst, nappy change
- If itā€™s in an environment which could be uncomfy (too loud, hot, cold, exposed) move to somewhere new
- Take baby to their mum/dad/familiar caretaker

What you WOULDā€¦


What do Childhood Trauma, Perimenopause and Mental Health Have to do with One Another?

childhood trauma and perimenopause

What do Childhood Trauma, Perimenopause and Mental Health Have to do with One Another?

Let's dive in together...


Adverse Childhood Experiences ā€œACEsā€ refers to three specific kinds of adversity children faced in the home environment: various forms of physical and emotional abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. Your ACEs score is measured using an online tool (listed below).

- ACEs research shows the correlation between early adversity and chronic health problems, mental illness, and sā€¦


In Appreciation for Our Inner Autumn (aka Perimenopause)

inner autumn perimenopausee

After my pod chat with Natuopath Heidi Hogarth recently (you can listen in to that pod ep right here) when we spoke about the inner seasons of our menstrual cycle on the micro (and the inner seasons of our life cycle on the macro), I have been reflecting on the parallels of autumn in nature / perimenopause which is described by some as a life cycle autumn .. .. specially through the lens of autumn and the Metal element in Five element Theory.

In appreciation for Our inner Autumn aka perimenopauā€¦


Shame: It's ABout Time we Talked About It

Shame its about time we talked about it

Can we talk about shame for a minute?

Although it is a normal part of the human experience, shame can get in the way of us
being able to be fully ourselves, connect authentically, chase our desires and so
much more.

When we realise that the easiest way to dissolve shame is to pull it out to the surface,
and share it and that often the internal stories we tell ourselves don't hold up under

But what if you are holding onto shame around a particular event or person and you
just cannot seeā€¦