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S5E2 Summer Series: Removing Money Splinters with Dr Ezzie Spencer

Dr Ezzie Spencer is a former human rights lawyer turned international 5x best selling author, founder & creator of the Splinter Method®.  She finds and removes your money splinters in multiple channels through her multivalent method.

When you take out your money splinters, making money in your business will be faster & easier than ever before (without doing more). You will stop being a woman who chases money — and instead become a woman who receives money with true feminine flow.

Ezzie first appeared on the podcast back in S1 E47 Trusting Me, Trusting Life with Dr Ezzie Spencer.

I asked Ezzie to come back on and share the new process she has developed for Removing Money Splinters. In this ep we chat about:

  • the Money Splinter process and how this modality was developed by Ezzie, and exactly what happens inside of a session
  • Unconscious vows, your internal decisions and dialogues that have been formed as protective mechanisms to keep you safe
  • Splinter removal, the way Ezzie sees and senses the small external ways that life has "come into" us
  • The subtlety and delicacy of Ezzie's work and the importance of her clients coming to their own realisations through her carefully designed process
  • the three main channels - Power, Peace and Love - and how splinters in each can show up for female entrepreneurs
  • the generative impact of Ezzie's work in the world, and how she personally experiences being a co-creator in a Money Splinter session


Find Ezzie online at www.ezziespencer.com

Head here to do Ezzie's Money Splinter Quiz.

And find her Reflection Cards and Lamp here.



Hey there beautiful! I have something for you! ⤵️


once ipad shadow

Cookie-cutter copywriting frameworks would have you believe that you need to write in a specific way

But the problem is (for us heart-driven paradigm-shifters at least) treating people like a number and manipulating them through a sausage-factory style, impersonal funnel does NOT feel like how we would naturally engage and interact in the real.

🚫 Writing like this can feel like you are SELLING YOUR SOUL, and can fuel a mistaken belief you have be a BS artist to make it in business.

🚫 Worse still - you REPEL YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS - the ones who are deep feelers and thinkers like us, the ones who are ready for the transformation and paradigm-shifting work you actually do!

⬇️ Download your ONCE UPON A TIME storytelling guide to learn ...

✍️ The difference between copywriting + storytelling, and how you're repelling your ideal people when you're using one-size-fits-all copywriting that doesn't feel like you

✍️ Storytelling structures you (may not know, but already love) from movies and exactly how to use these structures in your business, to share stories and build know, like and trust with your community and

✍️ The 6 soul-fuelled stories you should be sharing right now, so you can be magnetic to the people who need + want you the most, because being the best kept secret on the internet is NOT helping your ideal fits-like-a-glove clients find you!


TRANSCRIPT - S5E1: From Mind-Boggling 18 x Empress Expansion 2024 to Phoenix Rising in 2025 with Kylie Patchett


And that shifted the reality of my business from 2, 385 in a month in January to 18 times that in December directly linked to scene. Now there's a part of me that, as I say that I'm like, I'm not sure I want to be talking about money. Cause I really have been triggered with money in the past. And I say, fuck that.

Welcome to the wild and finally fucking free podcast show. This is a space where truth talking gets real behind the scenes. Grit of the future humans is laid bare and we are celebrating and sharing the real world stories of change agents, neuro sparkly people, the witchy wild women, the deep feelers, the unapologetic senses, the status quo challenges, and the huge hearted healers and helpers.

And guiding you through this wild ride of entrepreneurship and full heart led contribution to the world is me, your host, Kylie Patchett, AKA KP. I am a proudly neuro sparkly natural born status quo challenger, and I thrive on helping disruptors rebels and revolutionaries find their voices, amplify their message into the world and harness their raw potential.

Alchemise it into unleashing your full potency. Not only will I be sharing the behind the scenes of some of the most amazing, most status quo challenging thought leaders, I'll also be lifting the veil behind my own business. In 2024, I 18x'd my monthly income. Still blows my mind to say that. And this year I am leaning into how joyful and fun it would be to shift from six figures to seven figures in a quantum shifting year.

All through leading from my full unapologetic voice, my unleashed potency, and with my big wildly lit up heart [00:02:00] leading the way. Every single step of the way. So we are going to share the mess and the magic, the tea on identity shifting behind thought leadership. So together with my guests, I am going to be sharing the mess and the magic, spilling the tea on the identity shifts behind stepping into thought leadership, breaking the ties that bind us.

On learning old patterns and reweaving brand new ways of living, loving, learning, and leading. We're here to break boundaries, reimagine what's possible, all while collapsing timelines and leading with joy, love, and our fiercest wild woman selves. This is not just a podcast. It is a rebellion. It is a revolution.

It is an invitation to join the Mad Hatter's collective movement. And by Mad Hatters, I mean all the colourful, creative, gorgeous, world changing, out of the box humans out there. If you've ever longed to be wild and finally fucking free, this is your sign to lean in. Let's get started.

Hello there gorgeous ones, welcome to 2025 and welcome to season five of the wild and finally fucking free show. I am so excited for this year. I'm so excited as you've probably come to expect. Now, if you've been a long term listener, we have again, refreshed the look and gotten sweeter and sweeter and juicier about exactly who we are speaking with on the show.

And this season. is so aligned to sharing the inside behind the scenes stories of disruptors, rebels, and revolutionaries. And I've so come in the last few months to Such a clarity about the fact that [00:04:00] the community that I'm growing, the people that are magnetized to me in my full expression, which has been such a journey in 2024, uh, people that I now feel, uh, the like mad hatters.

It's of the world. And by mad, how does I mean when I was doing a ideal client meditation, uh, towards the end of 2024, I had such a clear vision of being in this beautiful, enchanted forest. And I opened this like magic. Door and this hedge, and I stepped into this enchanted forest and everything was lush and emerald green.

And it was the same sort of scape that I see when I feel into the soul of my business. And as I came into this secret garden with all these gorgeous luminous blooms and like little lights in the trees and just gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeousness, I saw this super long Table with all the spectacular humans at it.

And I looked around and there was so much joy and Verve and heart wide open connection happening. And I was like, Oh my God, this sisterhood, this connection, and with these precise people. And as I looked down the table, What I saw was all of this color and spark and enthusiasm and radiance and juicy conversations.

So many women joining hands and hugging and really, really in connection and community with each other. And I was like, Oh my goodness, my ideal clients are like the Manhattan's tea party. They're the colorful, People, they're the creative people. They're the out of the box people. They're the people with the wild, you know, colored glasses and the mismatched socks and the gorgeous way of moving through the world that says [00:06:00] I am in my unapologetic full expression.

And I am often neuro sparkly like me. I am an out of the box thinker. I'm a status quo challenger, and I am here. Literally to invite the world into new ways of being new ways of learning, of living, of loving, of leading. And I was just like, this is a full body fuck yes to me. And since that magical meditation, the entire idea behind something that completely changed the trajectory of my business in November of 2024, because out of that.

Clear, clear, ideal client meditation came this absolute clarity around the fact that my days as a done for you storyteller doing copywriting and graphic design for other women had come to an end because there was a whole new evolution of what I wanted to do in the world that yes, combined the magic of storytelling, combined the magic of clarifying and amplifying your message, but actually.

There was a whole level of myself that I had not been bringing to the table. And that is this wild, witchy, energetic healer who has got this hugely strategic left sided brain. But also this out of the box, join dots that people can't see, do magic, land magic, um, ritual to really sink into this energetic capacity receivership that has completely changed the game for me in my own business.

And I wanted to bring all of that to the table. And my coach at the time, the beautiful Sam Garcia, who's been on the show. And I've talked about multiple times was like, well, what do you really want to do? And I'm like, I want to run a voice and visibility activation, because here's the thing. If I do done for [00:08:00] you copywriting and storytelling, that is giving a woman in business a fish.

But if I Right? The most magical, captivating, perfect copy. And that woman goes out into the marketplace without the mindset and energetic match for receiving recognition, creating income, income and impact and influence through her wild unapologetic self and her gifts in the world. Then I'm actually setting her up to fail because I'm giving her one piece of the equation, but I'm not giving her the other.

And so from that idea, the scene voice and visibility activation came and it was literally designed to bring. The magic and power of storytelling together with the identity shifting and the energy capacity, um, building to be right on the edge of what feels comfortable in terms of being seen and heard and recognized as someone who has something important to say in the marketplace.

And here's the difference done for you gives a woman a fish. Combining the two and teaching a woman in business, particularly an out of the box neuro sparkly woman in business, how to trust herself and how to align to the ocean of ideal clients, the ocean of soulmate contributors, the ocean of abundance, that is actually the truth of who she is, that Is teaching a woman to fish for herself because yes, and I absolutely stand by still storytelling.

Copywriting is one of, if not the most important skill that we can have in our own businesses, because you can have the best freaking thing in the world, but if you can't share about it. If you don't know how to invite people to your world to grow [00:10:00] a body of work that actually tells them who you are and what you stand for and what they can expect by working with you, that gives the feeling of who you are and what you truly deeply value, then you've only got one part of the equation.

And if you are, on the other hand, a beautiful healer and helper, and often my clients are, And you've got all of this energetic capacity building or like you're a somatic coach or something, or you're a mindset coach, and you've got that part of the equation, but you haven't got the other part. Then again, I'm giving you a fish versus teaching you how to fish.

Now, when I made that decision, that single decision, And decided to actually come out of the witch box out of the broom closet as the clients that were in the scene activation actually heard from me and share the fullness of myself in the world has completely changed every single thing about my business and a lot of my life.

And here's what the shift has been. When you are not spending your time and energy trying to not show parts of yourself, when you are trying to fit yourself inside of a box, when your sparkly unicorn ass cannot fit into any box, and definitely not the round holes that you've been taught all your life, you should be able to fit into because everybody should in the old systems of oppression.

When you're not spending all of that time and energy. Hiding parts of yourself and playing out old stories of not being good enough or not being ready or whatever. When you just decide to shift into the identity of I am all in and I am trusting my gut feel and I'm trusting that vision of my ideal clients and what I want to create.

What is calling from the soul of my business to be co created with me and I'm just the channel. All I need to do is just open my mouth and allow it all to come through. Then you [00:12:00] are plugging back in to your full power and magnetism. And I tell you what, That live call on November the 15th, there was 200 women in that scene container live with me.

107 women came to the opening call live. And there was parts of me that still wanted to like lock it all down and plan it out and make sure that I knew what I was doing in adverted commas. And I really realized that that was a part of me that was seeking. The sense of safety that was totally a perception and what I decided to do and what I've kept on doing the whole of 2024 is just chosen that I already know exactly what needs to be said, that I can trust myself to show up and share from my heart and it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of what I know and have learned and have lived through and I'm able to mentor other people through.

And that very likely in future, I will learn more and be able to give more and mentor more and guide more because I will be expanding through something different. And so that opening call, we did an opening circle where we literally held out our hands like we were standing next to each other. And I tell you, I had I don't actually know what a spiritual awakening is.

Like when people say that, I'm like, I'm not really sure what that means. And it sounds a little bit wanky to be honest, but in that opening call for the very first time in my life, I felt like the sense of my heart opening and widening. And these delicious threads of this golden and purple energy.

Literally like unfurling from me and connecting [00:14:00] to wild mad hatters, the witches, the woo women, the healers, the helpers, the magicians, all of the people like me that have been taught that we're not okay the way we are because we've been taught that being out of the box is not the correct way to live.

All the status quo challenges, all the ones that have been taught too loud to this, to that, to whatever. And to that, I say, fuck that, because opening that circle and allowing the full magic of who I am as a woman, but also allowing myself to be seen and heard in my full self expression. Was the most delicious activation for every single human in that circle.

Because when we allow ourselves to shine, when we don't expect ourselves to be perfect, when we can show up and be Vulnerable, be open, be wildly unapologetic about the fact that, you know what? This is not going to be a perfect experience. You know what? I cannot touch type to save myself. So there is going to be spelling mistakes in pretty much every single page of what you see during this experience.

And it doesn't actually matter because the magic is us connecting to each other. And being unapologetically seen and heard. So from that circle, and just so that we're clear, like when I, Sam said to me, how many people would you like in this circle? And I said, 200. And straight away I said, but I don't know how that's going to happen.

I can't see how that's possible because I've never done it before. And this is the other thing that I've been really feeling into. A lot of the time in my life, when I've gone to do things that I've never done before, I have mistakenly felt this sensation in my body is a lack of safety. But actually what I was feeling all along was a lack of [00:16:00] comfort.

And you know, that old saying, a comfort zone is where you can just do the rinse and repeat that you already have, or always have. And for me, my comfort zone has always been sourced from hiding parts of me that I didn't think were okay to be seen and downplaying the magic of who I am as a woman. But, when we choose to not hide ourselves, that is when true magnetism can manifest.

Run our business. And from that point, from that one identity shift of choosing just to hold the pose of being a woman who can hold a feeling of discomfort. And the comfort thing is only because I haven't done it before. Geez, I'm wildly uncomfortable. I've never been in a live event with this many people before.

I've never trusted myself this much before. Now, if I listen to my fear brain, I definitely could have gone down the track of like, you're going to fuck this up. It's not going to be what you want it to be. I walked away from that call and I went out to my husband and I honestly, if you could have bottled the life force, like pulsing through me, I reckon we could save a lot of solve a lot of things in the world because I felt high.

And not from any outside substance. I felt high with the connection to the truth of who I am and being in co creation with 200 women in that container and actually seeing the ripple effect that me choosing to shift my identity and just give it a crack and hold the level of discomfort And just choose to have an identity of someone who has self trust from that direct [00:18:00] decision, that point in time, that one ideal meditation, 200 people joined me live.

And now I'm just looking at the numbers coming into my community. There has been 198 more women go through the self study experience of seeing which you can get. I get instant access to, um, on my website and on my, yep, all the Instagram channels and everything. Um, and on the daily I get notes saying, Oh my God, Kylie, I have never felt so seen before in my life from one opening call.

This is. Often people are messaging me and voice noting from the one opening call, not even the 11 days of content that we went through and the transformation of the actual experience. And this is also what I learned from that experience is your intention and your energetic vibration and frequency makes so much difference.

So when we go into creating a group or making an offer, and we have got a foundation of self doubt or fear of things, not working out. That is how you sell it. That is how you invite it. You do not feel that your success is inevitable. That the perfect people are just waiting for you to put out that bat signal and say, this is the best thing.

Like I was so wildly lit up by scene and I sold scene unapologetically and I continue to sell it unapologetically because for 33 for 11 days, more than 12, probably 13 hours of content. And the fact that that ripple effect continues to ripple out into the world. So I really want you to hear if you are at a stage in your business where you know that you're hiding parts of yourself, and you have not had the identity shift to being a woman who has something really important to say, and that your message is needed and wanted in the world, that there's literally people out there in the world praying [00:20:00] for the precise medicine that is inside of you.

But if you keep fucking around, thinking, That you're not good enough or that you don't know how to be the leader, or you're not willing to go first and hold that level of uncomfort or discomfort in your body and build your capacity to hold so many conflicting emotions. You are not just ripping yourself off and you're ripping your family off.

You're ripping yourself off because I have to say every single thing in my life has been positively impacted. by that one decision. Because when you start to realize that you don't have to be perfect, that you can soften, that you can open, that you can be receptive, that you can get out there and shine.

You know what happens as a natural result? Every single relationship in your life becomes softer, more receptive, richer, more full of love and compassion, You're more able to hold the space of like, they're just being the fullness of who they are. And that's okay. I don't have to necessarily like it. I don't have to necessarily, you know, be in connection with them if they're doing that, but I'm not going to make them wrong for it because every time we make someone else wrong, guess what we're doing.

Every time we criticize someone else, guess what we're saying? You have to be a certain way to be okay in the world. And it's utter bullshit. The quicker you can delete that from your head, the better your life will become. Also, as a direct result of the scene container, when I opened 1st of February this year, I immediately had six ladies directly from the scene circle.

One of them has already been a long term client, much loved, ideal, beautiful client. Totally a Mad Hatter. And the other [00:22:00] five came from being in the scene circle. That is a crazy wild thing to say. They came in most of them through an ad on Facebook for a 33 live event. And then they invested in a five month expansion portal.

That is crazy. And that sort of magic only happens. When you are crystal clear about who you're talking to and who you are magnetizing and who your medicine is for. So in 2024 I shifted from being a done for you, copywriter and graphic designer, giving women in business a fish to a leader, to a revolutionary, To a woman lit the fuck up and totally liberated from so many stories that she had.

And that shifted the reality of my business from 2, 385 in a month in January to 18 times that in December directly linked to scene. Now there's a part of me that, as I say that I'm like, I'm not sure I want to be talking about money. Cause I really have been triggered with money in the past. And I say, fuck that.

Because I'm here to tell you that if you have any trigger, when I say that, then you've got shit to clean up and you are not creating the income that you could in your business. Because all the trigger says is, Hey, there's someone, something here. There's something, there's something that's giving me an emotional charge.

That is giving me an ick. When someone talks about creating wealth through their business. Now, off the back of running The live activation scene. I have mapped out. I've got a client. Who's one of the ladies that signed up for the potent sister mind. And she said, Oh my God, Kylie. It's like seen was the baby that you were trying to birth for like, you know, 10 years in entrepreneurship.

And now once seen was out in [00:24:00] the world, you had octuplets because I have been on fire with creative force. Even my coach the other day, she's like, how are you doing all of this? And I'm like, I'm just letting my work move through me. And I'm trusting that my body and my heart and my soul and the soul of my business know far better than my little tiny fear and doubt brain.

And so I'm moving from the identity of someone who has something really important to say. And so one of those activations that I've planned out is the paid wealth and worth activation. Now that is coming up January 13th to 17th. So I'm recording this only a week before it. But I wanted to share about it because so many of the conversations that I have been having, like inside of scene around voice and visibility, but also with, um, applicants to the masterminds and other conversations I'm having is, uh, one of the other things that I did in this period was decided to voice note as many.

people to my Instagram page as I possibly could. And some weeks I haven't been able to, cause it does take a bit of energy, but I have had voice note conversations with well over a thousand people since I don't know, first week of November, maybe last week of October. And something that comes up time and time again is as an out of the box, quirky human.

We are still trying to play by the muggle rules that say that we have to work hard, that marketing has to be by a certain formula, that all of your group programs or your offerings need to be a particular way. And I just want to say to you so loudly, when you are out of the box, the very worst thing that you can do is try and dilute or shove yourself into a tiny little container that is not meant for you.

Because if you are attracted to being here and being part of the Mad Hatters community, I can tell you without a doubt, without even knowing you [00:26:00] personally, that your work in the world here is to break break. Open the world to a new field of possibilities. I, I like to call you future humans. It's one of my, um, HD, um, incarnation gates, the future human.

And it's about those of us who can sense and feel more deeply that see things that other people can't, that are often the people that work in The other dimensions. So not just the 3d, but you know, multi dimensional multi timeline, um, the people who are open to magic, the people who are opening to the full expression of themselves.

We are here to offer up the new paradigm. And now astrologically we are in, um, we move from, Oh my God, now I've forgotten, you know, the big shift that just happened into Aquarius. Anyway, anyway, it doesn't matter. The stars are wildly aligned for those of us creating new paradigms. But the thing is, if you are trying to run your business and also make offers and also make invitations to those offers, according to old rules or shitty mindsets about, I don't have faith in what I'm doing, or I can be a six figure business owner, but there's no way that I could get to a seven figure business owner, Or if you're like me and you've had any muddiness in your generational line around working hard to make money.

And those people that don't have to work hard to make money or haven't because they've been like more entrepreneurial or they've inherited wealth or whatever, are somehow like cheats or assholes or whatever. Like I was in the car with my mom the other day and we saw this beautiful, I think it was a BMW, cars are not my thing, but anyway.

So this beautiful cargo pass, it was this delicious shade of blue. And I was like, damn, that is a sweet ride. And my mom goes as if [00:28:00] you'd spent that much money on a car, more money than sense. And I had this feeling in the back of one of my shoulders. I was like,

like, that is so familiar to me. I grew up in that ocean. I grew up with a family that identified as people that battled and I'm not making my mom wrong for it. Cause you know, Comes from, I'm from a multi generations of like Irish Catholic. Um, my dad was born in the depression. Um, he was long term army.

He didn't even retire until he was 80. And my mom is from dairy farmers. So dairy and beef cattle farmers, like they work bloody hard and yes, they might have boom years, but they also have bust years. And I realized in that moment, so much of my inability to create healthy. Cashflow in overflow came from the fact that I still had really dodgy beliefs about receiving and about wealthy people.

And if you have any of that in your energetic body or in your mindset, your mind wants to be right. And your body doesn't feel like being wealthy is safe. And then if you add on to that, that most women. And particularly if you're also of another majority, like BIPOC folks or anyone that's been, you know, adversely affected by any of the systems of oppression, any of the isms, differently abled, you know, ageism, whatever you, we have been taught that we are not as powerful as other people.

That's how a system of oppression works, right? There's an oppressor and there's someone underneath that is not in power or not, doesn't have equal power. And so by definition, we have been taught that we don't, we can't hold anything that gives us power. And guess what that means for women. Don't show your magic.

Don't speak up. Don't rock the boat. Do not under any circumstances think about having enough money to have choice or freedom or a seat [00:30:00] at the table blokes in suits. And so paid has been designed by me and we actually are meeting this time. Last time seen was a live call and then 11 days of voice activations and then a closing call.

This time I've decided to do everything live because I love the vibe of being in a live room where literally you are recalibrating your nervous system to a completely different level. And my intention with paid is that you are recalibrating. To an energetic and mindset and spiritual capacity receiving that is receiving and a match to the ocean of abundance available to you, the ocean of contribution that you can create from your heart and your fully expressed self, the ocean of love and connection and sisterhood that is there for you.

I'm talking wealth in every single form. And one of the key things. Excuse me, that we will be working with inside of paid is that your net wealth and your ability to receive is so, so linked to your concept of self worth. And it doesn't matter how much you can logistically consciously say, I am worthy.

If you've got any shit playing out below the surface that says, no, I'm not, or I'm not ready, or I'm not the identity of a powerful person. It's not safe to be seen in my full expression. I can't use my voice to speak out in the marketplace. Guess what you'll be doing. You'll be doing shit like undervaluing your services.

So you're over delivering and undercharging, or you won't be selling at all. Or when you sell, you're selling with such an ick factor because you are not vibrating at all. Um, magnetism and like delicious heart wide open. Yes, of course you want to be in this thing because it is going to be magical. [00:32:00] Then you're going out and you're making piss week offers in the marketplace and then creating more of the same, more of the same level of abundance.

And this goes for you if you're new in business or you're at an any sort of income ceiling. I am claiming naming and claiming and going to be very open and vulnerable with the journey that it takes me on, because I know that being on the edge of my own expansion is like, it's, it feels like holding all of the feelings at the one time.

So I used to say inside of scene, I'm discombobulated, terrified, and elated all at once. And it can feel really confusing to your nervous system because that your brain is trying to say, this is really unsafe. There's a part of you that's like high as a kite on your own life force. And there's a part of you that's like, there's too much turbulence here.

I'm going to collapse back into old stories and just being able to live through that experience and then invite people to calibrate to me at this identity of a thought leader, but also an imperfectly perfect human being. Someone who is a neuro sparkly and I lose my fucking glasses at least 50 times a day.

But do you know what I'm claiming this year? Going from a six figure year in my first full year of business back in the marketplace, in my second turnaround, the entrepreneurial flagpole to a million dollars in income, and not just focusing on the business. The dollar signs creating that quantum shift in a way that feels wildly fulfilling.

So not working harder, actually trusting that my heart and my soul already know the way. Will I get to a [00:34:00] million dollars in 2025? Who the fuck knows? But I know that if I'm not going out in the marketplace, With the fullness of myself and trusting my gut instinct, which is to close down done for you services and is to do much more of this activation and catalyzing and being in circle with delicious human beings like you, I am choosing to hold the edge of someone who can create like mind boggling results, like total.

reality, like I'm, you know, giving the, um, the air quotes around reality, like reality bending untapped unleashed potential that is just waiting to be birthed. And the cool thing about the paid activation is that when we are live, when we're calibrating and when we're learning how to be Devoted to ourselves energetically and mindset wise.

Then when we learn strategy, then when we learn the storytelling, then when we learn how to clarify and amplify our message in the world, we are doing it from a rock solid foundation of like. Of course, my success is inevitable. Time is the only variable. So I'm going to live every day, trusting myself, knowing that tapping into my power and unleashing the fullness of who I am is the fastest, most magnetic way to actually create quantum results in the field.

And that lights me the fuck up. So that's my plans for 2025. Now paid is 13th, the 17th of January. So that's the next activation. I'm also opening the Mad Hatters home membership, which means that. When you come to [00:36:00] an activation, you can stay in the room, stay in the vibe, stay in the frequency explosion of being able to have an access to a community where you are truly seen, heard, and valued as a mad hatter, as a quirky individual, and where you can actually get live coaching from me a couple of times a month and meet me for my soothe sessions, which is my Mind, body, and breath self care sessions live a couple of times a month and have ongoing access to a community because when we normalize creating gobsmacking results through our out of the box disruptor rebel revolutionary selves, it just becomes like, of course, I'm doing this.

But when you are in isolation, when you're trying to fit yourself into a five step formula, when you're trying to do it the done way, all you're doing is recreating more and more evidence that it is not going to happen for you. And that has got to stop because God knows the world. There's so many systems breaking open at the moment.

So it is time to rise, to rise, to shine, to be your full self. So, as I mentioned, from the 1st of February, the potent sistermind and expansion portal starts. And that is for those of you who are relating hard to what I am talking about. You're already in business. You already know what you're offering to the world, but you know, there's a next evolution.

You know, that there's clarification and amplification of your core message. You know, that there's some parts of you that you're still not sharing and shining out into the world. And you want to go from untapped potential to unleashed potency. So I'm calling it a sister mind because. I [00:38:00] hate that masterminds, I don't know, I hate that masterminds got the word master in it.

Let's be honest, but my intentions and my seeding for this beautiful circle, and there's 15 spaces, six remaining at the time of recording is that you get high touched, high touch mentoring around. Everything to do with your marketing and communication, your visibility, and also have a really safe, really warm, really welcoming space where I'm always going to be inviting you into your liberation.

And when limitation comes out to play, learned limitation comes out to play, that you will have a safe space to dissolve To energetically reweave the truth of who you are, and then to unashamedly take your seat at the table as the wild, amazing, world changing woman that you know damn well inside is there.

So underneath this episode, all of the links are there. I cannot wait to dive into 2025. I have never been so freaking excited about a year. I am going to be taking a couple of weeks off soon because I am just about to turn 50. So at the end of January, you'll see a couple of summer series, um, pods come out where we're sharing some of our favorites from season four.

Whilst I go and celebrate and, uh, I'm so looking forward to, yeah, I'm just so looking forward to entering a new decade with this, how to describe it with this delicious feeling of being able to step into, like to continue the [00:40:00] journey from the Empress archetype that I worked with with 2024, which is all about.

Owning my truth and understanding my natural cycles and being creative and abundant and like really connected to nature. And I feel already that this year is about just rising and the, the co, um, occurring of destruction and shedding of all the other stories I will no doubt meet that are old. You know, ways of being patterns, um, generational hooks that are ready to be burnt in the cauldron and then rising again and creating from the identity of a fuller version of me and continuing that process through the whole of 2025.

Here's to magic. Here's to truth. Here's to power. I wish you so much love. I really hope that being here and hearing like the truth of what it takes to actually build a business that nourishes you just as much as it nourishes your clients and the truth of what it takes to actually Heal and transform any conditioning that we have received that it is not safe to be seen and heard and receive money for the fullness of who we are.

I hope that you absolutely love season five. We have so much magic in store for you. So much behind the scenes gold. And you know, I feel like[00:42:00] 

I feel like so much of my softening into myself is really, truly understanding. And for those of you who know human design, like human design has been, and astrology has been such a gift to me. Just surrendering to the, to the way that I am naturally, like not measuring myself against external standards.

And one of the things that I'm really, really wanting to embrace this year is that my natural design as a SQL Generator 3. 5 single definition is that basically a 3. 5. Our role is to go out. Trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, fuck it up enough times to actually learn and then come back and share with our community.

And what that actually takes is truth talking and vulnerability and inviting people behind the scenes of my business and life and really, really sharing the truth of what I'm going through. And so this season in my solo episodes. Who knows what will happen? Like maybe I'm going to have awful, painful, like collapses back into old limits and maybe I'm going to be wildly soaring one minute and not the next, but I'm not going to sugar coat anything because I feel like sharing honestly, particularly about the energetic capacity expansion and what it is like to hold.

All of the feelings that come with being at the edge of your expansion as a thought leader, sharing the truth of that just normalizes the fact that these people who are already thought leaders, who you look up to in the marketplace because they're rebels, revolutionaries, they speak up or whatever, they didn't start there.

There was a point in [00:44:00] time where they made a decision to speak up. To choose to believe that they had something powerful to say, and they've tried and they've fucked it up and they've failed and they've learned and they've grown and they've evolved into who you see now. And the biggest disservice I've ever given myself is looking at other people who are already out there shining and being themselves unapologetically and thinking, I'm never, ever going to get there.

I'm never going to be that woman. I'm never going to be able to be that comfortable in my skin. I'm never going to be able to show all the parts of me. And so this is going to be a very special journey. I'm excited for what comes unfolding. And like I said, I haven't chosen my word for the year, but I think maybe the archetype is the Phoenix.

I don't know. I'm still feeling into it, but I really love the symbology of the Phoenix, like dying and rebirthing, dying and rebirthing, dying and rebirthing. So I do feel like through the whole scene expansion, which, you know, it's still ongoing. What I was really, really, really present to was that there was old.

Versions of me and parts of me that were dying and I was releasing that I was alchemizing through taking action aligned to the wild woman inside of me. And then I was doing this rebirthing as the new identity, but I was doing it so rapidly minute to minute day to day that I seriously feel sometimes like I'm going to meet my yesterday self coming down the hallway towards me because I literally feel like I'm not the same woman that I was yesterday.

And I certainly am not going to be the same woman by the time we hit December 2025. So here's to diving in. I hope that you will [00:46:00] join me for paid in January. If you're listening to this after January, no problem. Cause it will be self study, um, at the same link in this episode. And if you are desiring high touch mentorship that combines the energetic and mindset components, as well as the strategy, And like a massive fucking commission slip to stop trying to fit into a box and just shine as your full unapologetic unicorn sparkly self.

I would love to invite you to potent. So links below. Here's to a magical 2025. The story that I am inviting for myself that I'm stepping into and I'm choosing faith over fear and courage. Every step of the way is that. In 50. I will celebrate 25 years of marriage with my beautiful husband by heading over to Thailand or Vietnam.

I will travel in September to Denver, Colorado, to be part of Living Brave Alive, which is part of my new mastermind that I'm in. And I am claiming being on that living brave live stage shining the fuck out of the first nine months of a story that has allowed me to shift identities so rapidly that wealth in all forms is raining down on me.

And I am shining so bright and having so much fun. And have magnetized the most delicious humans to work with and connect with and sisterhood with and that I will arrive on the final day of 2025 feeling like I have given it my all, but in a very different way to my old way of being, which means giving my all means working hard, working every single hour of every single day, sacrificing my health, [00:48:00] sacrificing my play, I mean, giving it my all because I've shown up and I've shone and I've trusted myself and I've responded and I've co created with the universe.

And if that is where I end up at the final day of 2025, I will be deeply, deeply satisfied. And I'm so excited you're here for the ride. Goodbye, my love. We'll see you next week.

There you go beautiful one, another delicious, juicy, truth talking episode with a Disruptor, Rebel or Revolutionary sharing the identity shifts. And the mess and the magic of leading right on the edge of your expansion and going first as a visionary leader, as a woman, creating a business and inviting people to completely new ways of learning, living, loving, and leading.

It is not lost on me that you have invested your time and your energy in listening to the show. I am so grateful for your beautiful heart, for the work that you do in the world, and I know that if you're here you are more than likely one of what I call the Mad Hatters. So the quirky, colourful, creative, out of the box, often neuro sparkly, paradigm shifters and thought leaders.

So I'm so grateful that you're here. If you loved this episode, which I'm sure you did, please do me a favour and share it with someone else who needs to understand that their quirkiness and their full unapologetic self expression is more than enough, and in fact is the secret source to growing a wildly successful, abundant, nourishing, sustainable business.

So here is to us, the Mad Hatters. The crazy out of the box people saying no to old paradigms and inviting into the new. And if [00:50:00] you'd love to go the extra mile, please make sure that you subscribe on the platform that you're on so you never miss an episode. And hey, it would be sweet, sweet, sweet if you would leave us a five star review.

It means the world to us and it helps us get this truth talk and this magic and this power out to even more Mad Hatters. So have a beautiful day and I will speak with you next week. 

this quantum leap may look like an overnight success...
S5E3 Summer Series: Designed for Disruption with Kirstin Bouse


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