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Storyteller Kylie Patchett introduces


YMYM title only

A book incubator for paradigm-shifters to craft a powerful, purposeful book, deliver their story and message to the world and create the income and impact their medicine deserves.


Writing a book might feel like a “nice to have”, and something to “get around to one day”... but right now you’re not that jazzed about getting down to the business of writing

I get it!

You’re busy, you’re juggling, you’ve got no idea where to start and no idea how to wrangle all-those-ideas into a powerful, purposeful book.

There’s always something that feels more important to increase impact and income, right?


Maybe you have offers that are "easy to sell" but you know on a soul level they aren't your Great Work in the world.

Done right - writing a book and delivering your paradigm-shifting message to the world can explode your business - making your 10-years-from-now vision of your business land into reality at rapid speed:

… Exponentially increasing your sphere of influence and marking your position as a true thought leader

… Drastically upping your magnetism and naturally calling in better clients - ones that are a perfect fit for you and the next evolution of your work

… Being utterly irresistible to the precise people who are READY - ready for you, thirsty for your message and ready to leap into your new paradigm

… Grounding your soul-aligned mastery and staking a claim on your expertise at a whole new life- and game-changing level.

In truth, writing a powerful, purposeful book that captures your unique paradigm shift and delivers it to the people who need it could make the whole experience of being in “business” 10 x easier.

In practice, the very act of being forced to capture and communicate your work alchemises your internal landscape from

"this is something I have mastered in the day-to-day of my business and offer 1:1 and in smaller groups" to

"holy fuck I KNOW this is my calling, and this message and it's medicine is ESSENTIAL to get into the hands and hearts of many, many more people”

And that level of conviction magnetises magic, miracles and magnificent opportunities like nobody’s business - coz the Universe loves to mirror your self-concept right back at you lady!!

AND once you’ve got that book out of your heart and soul and into the world, you’ll wish you had done it SOONER! 

(At least that's what my clients tell me 😜)


  • Are ready to step into their 10-year-time future vision NOW, with exponentially increased influence, impact and income
  • Know that they want to spread their message and medicine to a far wider audience, and contribute to real, sustainable, long-term changes in even more lives, businesses, relationships and communities
  • Are literally obsessed with challenging the current status-quo, and can offer far more healthy and meaningful ways to live, love, learn and lead 
  • Are ready for a whole new level and experience of being visible, and truth-talking their message through the platform of a powerful, purposeful book
  • Want to be supported to break through the practical, mindset and energetic barriers to bringing your medicine to the world from a mentor who knows what she's speaking about - and has written or co-written 11 books and counting

Maybe you've had write a book on your list for ages, but you're stuck in place, held back by "WTF am I to write a book" and other BS fears, the practical process of writing a book feels daunting, or you're just not making the space, time and energy available to get this thing done. 


  • the wise woman inside of you is calling you to share your story and the why behind your work in the world, and to be seen at a whole level, or
  • you know the once in a lifetime combo of lived experience, quals & years mastering your craft means you have a completely novel way of healing, helping or coaching, or
  • you know in your bones that there's an even deeper layer to your work ready to come forth, one that feels edgy and scary but yet you're ready to answer the invitation

Either way, the answer is to commit, and get down to the business of crafting the book that's been calling to your mind, heart and soul ..
A body of work that invites ideal clients into your orbit, one that firmly claims your expertise and spreads your message and its medicine rippling out to a wider audience to touch many more lives.





“You are amazing. Seriously. And that statement doesn't cut it. Your ability to 'know' someone you've just met so well, to pull out what is the good juice, to create this framework in the first place (super jelly of that) - far out Brussel sprout.

You are quite mind-blowing.

Kirstin, Midlife Psychologist 

You captured MY essence and my story perfectly: it really felt like me and resonated so much! If you want your essence captured Kylie is your girl....she is intuitive and asks amazing questions to delve deeper into discovering parts of you to bring them into the forefront.

I gained such confidence in my work and offerings!

Melinda, Mumma Mentor and Family Dynamics Facilitator

Kylie's energy is amazing! I felt comfortable right away as we started working together.

After working together on my messaging, my mindset has shifted: I'm more confident and feel like more is possible with my business, and when people comment on my content in a positive way, I'm so glad I asked for help! ”

Robin, EMDR and Trauma Therapist, Divorce Recovery Coach

To my surprise and relief, the whole process with Kylie was painless.

She asked high-quality questions to pull out my WHY - there were some incredibly powerful a-ha moments - that prompted heartfelt and honest answers.

She captured beautifully both my language and personality and presented it in such a way I wanted to hire myself!

Now, sharing myself is so much easier!

Jac, Women's Health and Wellbeing Coach

"Thank you, thank you. You are the absolute best!  
I loved the process of speaking to you, then reading these words and seeing my story come to life!

F**k yes, this feels so much like me!
YESSSS You nailed it!

Gave me shivers to read, thank you so much."

Katherine, Medicine Woman and Rewilding Activist

I felt overwhelmed because I didn’t know where to start. I wanted breathing space to do the work I am good at.

I needed help clearing the huge part of my brain taken over by the search for content, streamlining my website making it clearer & better demonstrate the professionalism and thoughtfulness of my trainings & teachings and finding new ways to share how my past students have felt working with me.

In our time together, I felt held and supported and that Kylie was truly interested in the core messages and intentions of my work. 

Niamh, Founder: Yoga for the Stages of Menopause


1) Messaging and positioning

How to structure and use storytelling to illustrate and demonstrate, so your book is BOTH read-able and action-able for your ideal audience and offers them true transformation, including

  • Decide your book’s topic: get clear on the foundations of WHY, WHO, WHAT and HOW and the exact transformation your book delivers
  • The exact stories to include to transform your book from merely educational to life-changing, can’t-put-it-down gold that is magnetic to your ideal client.
  • Weekly feedback on your writing with precise steps to enhance your message, close gaps and include key actions that help your audience go from “theoretical understanding” to “embodied”

2) Structures and rituals to keep you accountable and on track

And actually sit your butt down and write the darn book, including:

  • Swipe files for book blueprint mapping, including the keypoints for each chapter, section and sub-section - no more sitting down with NFI what you’re writing about
  • Practises for setting and sticking to timelines and keeping the easily distracted and/or neurosparkly mind on track and engaged

3) Practical nuts and bolts

How to keep your book records neat and tidy, including

  • exactly how to collate and store research and references, client stories and drafts, so you go from ideas in 6 places to a system that keeps everything in one place and accessible - for you and your team
  • Mini classes on how to use the features of Google Suite to make the practical side of writing simple and accessible, and the editing and reviewing process seamless too

4) Energetic Capacity

somatic and mindset tools designed to support increased visibility and staking a claim on your expertise, including:

  • Procrastination and resistance tending tools, and tricks to just get started, with no overwhelm or perfectionism in sight
  • Rituals to connect to the soul of your book ground your expertise and self-concept and expand your capacity for being seen and heard at a whole new level




YOUR MESSAGE, YOUR MEDICINE is 6 month long book incubator that includes:

Messaging Mentorship & Feedback 

Every two weeks, have the chance to submit your latest writing for feedback and opportunity for improvement suggestions from Kylie.

Group Co-Writing Sessions 

Join our two per month four-hour drop-in sessions and power through resistance and procrastination in a group environment, with access to Kylie 1:1 in breakout rooms, as needed.

Heads up to my fellow nuero-sparkly peeps: this can be the key to both starting and completing your book. Body doubling for the win-win!

Monthly Q and A Calls with Kylie

Bring your questions live or submit ahead of time and tackle practical, structural & mindset barriers that come up through your writing process.


Monthly Calls with Guest Experts

With a guest author or expert to keep your head in the game, to be educated and empowered, and provide a visceral experience of becoming a successful author with a growing audience

Private Community in Slack 

Community connection and support, and claiming your weekly and monthly book creation intentions. Kylie is in this community minimum of 3 times per week to support you birthing your book.

Plus These Bonuses


❤️‍🔥 Private 90 minute call with Kylie - expires 10th September 2024

❤️‍🔥 3-hour private WhatsApp voice coaching chat with Kylie


Take a Deep Breath, Tune in to Your Heart + Soul:

Are You Ready for Your Message, Your Medicine?

Pay in Full and Save





✅ Two Co-Writing Sessions, with optional 1:1 support

✅ Messaging Mentorship & Feedback from Kylie

✅ Monthly Q and A Calls with Kylie

✅ Monthly Calls with a Guest Expert or Author

✅ Private Community on Slack

❤️‍🔥 ACTION TAKERS BONUS: Private 60-minute call with Kylie - expires in 72 hours

❤️‍🔥 PAY IN FULL BONUS: 4-hour private WhatsApp voice coaching chat with Kylie  coaching chat with Kylie




6 Month Payment Plan


$979/month for 6 months

✅ Two Co-Writing Sessions, with optional 1:1 support

✅ Messaging Mentorship & Feedback from Kylie

✅ Monthly Q and A Calls with Kylie

✅ Monthly Calls with a Guest Expert or Author

✅ Private Community on Slack

❤️‍🔥 ACTION TAKERS BONUS: Private 60-minute call with Kylie - 72 hours only



No problemo! Simply choose to VIP UPGRADE at checkout

and your Your Message, Your Medicine experience will include everything listed above

PLUS you will also receive six (6) extra private 90 minute 1:1 Book coaching / mentoring sessions with Kylie 

to be booked at your convenience.



$2499 or $459/M

 $2499 pay in full or $459/month for 6 months



Frequently Asked Questions:

In case you were wondering...


I've been capturing and communicating in the medical, science, community, healing and health and wellbeing fields for over 3 decades.

And I am deeply passionate about helping paradigm-shifting, thought-leading, contribution-fuelled healers and helpers just like you get their message and their medicine out into the world

... through books, copy and content that is magnetic and deeply transformative to the people who need it most.

As a two-time author, 6 times ghostwriter and book coach who has helped 2 clients give birth book babies just in the last 12 months ...

I’ve developed a signature process to help do this in the least stressful, most heart-aligned way, and I am so excited to share it with you in Your Message, Your Medicine.

Great Q - this is the first time I am offering a group book coaching and mentoring container, so our first iteration will be small and intimate. That means you can expect even more high-touch support and encouragement!  

As a part of YOUR MESSAGE YOUR MEDICINE you get bi-weekly messaging mentorship!

Within that you get to submit up to 1000 words bi-weekly for review and feedback.

If you'd like to have Kylie edit your entire book, you can reach out here about 1:1 individual book coaching and mentoring - but know that it's 6 x the price of this program.

Drop in co-writing sessions will be held on two days per month, generally on Tuesdays and Thursdays and rotate between 8am to 12 noon and 12 noon to 4pm AEST Brisbane time.

Monthly guest calls will be run to suit guest timezone, aiming for noon to 4pm or 7pm AEST Brisbane Time on Wednesdays.

Monthly Q and A calls will be generally on Wednesday afternoon AEST Brisbane time.

All calls apart from co-writing sessions are recorded and a replay is added to your portal within 48 hours

Kylie will be active in the group Slack community at least 3 times per week to answer questions and offer support.

Twice monthly drop-in co-writing sessions include the ability to speak to Kylie in a breakout room, as needed. Live monthly Q and A calls are also available to deep dive and troubleshoot issues and provide feedback. 

This experience and the Creation Station process we use works best for factual books - and that includes BOTH autobiography or memoir style books (for example - this is my story, here's what I have learned and here's how to apply it) and Self Help / Body of Work style books too (for example, how to use breath work to create more stress resilience).

You have two options:

Either choose to add a VIP UPGRADE at checkout to add nine extra private 1:1 Book coaching / mentoring 90 minute sessions to Your Message Your Medicine experience. Sessions to be booked at your convenience during the 9 month experience.


Work with me as a private book coaching clients (As a guide, this investment starts at $19 900 for 9 months - If you would like to explore this option together, please get in touch here to chat about this option).

I would love to say 100% yes, BUT the truth is 1) I know that life has a habit of getting lifey, plus 2) there is no way of knowing how long each author's creative process will take.

That being said, if you follow the recommended writing schedule I outline in YMYM then you'll be like most of my clients with their first drafts complete in the 9 months we spend together.

Absolutely we can. DM me here on Instagram and send me your Q either by voice or text and I am happy to help you feel it out.