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S3 E26: Winter Storytelling Series Part 1 - Your Gifts are Meant to be Delivered to the World

Hello, beautiful. Welcome to the podcast. This is the winter storytelling series, and I'm sharing some common conversations that I have in a six-part series. That's just snack-sized. So the first thing that I find myself continually speaking about with my clients is that your gifts are meant to be delivered to the world.

I really strongly believe that every single one of us has a specific thing or talent or contribution to deliver. And a lot of us will find it quite

difficult to surrender to the fact that no matter whether we think that this thing that we can do as naturally as breathing is not something that's important or valuable. And by definition, we do that because It comes naturally to us. We think that everybody can do this. And in my business, the example is being able to pull a whole heap of different ideas out of someone's mind and soul and decades often of experience in a field and turn it into messaging through the power of storytelling.

Now I have been doing that literally since I was a kid, but because I've always done it, I've always felt that it's not that special. And you will have these things as well. Sometimes one, sometimes multiple. I'm not saying that every single one of us is called to deliver a gift that will require us to have a business to do that.

It may be that you want to contribute to, you know, You know, bringing your family together over gorgeously cooked food so that everyone feels nourished. Or it might be the person that's just able to hold space and ask just the right question. But whatever it is, a key thing about being able to share that gift with the world is to understand that by the very fact that you're here, And this gift always comes with the challenges, the lessons, the learnings, the connections, opportunities, the life path that is actually designed to allow that gift to unfold.

I really want you to hear this. By thinking that the gift that you're meant to be delivering is not important, you're not only stealing from yourself whatever magic is meant to unfold through that yourself, but you're also leaving a hole in the fabric of humankind. I like to think of like, the entire planet has this beautiful tea cozy of like, interconnected energy.

And if we are resisting delivering our gift to the world, there is a hole in the massive global TCOC. And it means that energetically, there's something out of balance. So, I want to just say to you, your voice matters. Your perspective matters. The thing that comes naturally to you, like breathing, matters.

And if you are someone who is called to deliver that gift through healing or helping or paradigm-shifting, being a thought leader, we so, so need you. and your gifts. So please don't stop sharing or delivering or speaking up, particularly if you're someone that sees things differently because there are a lot of things that are broken in our world at the moment.

There's a lot of systems of oppression that are proliferating and being reinforced. Just have to look at what the political landscape is doing at the moment. And we need other voices. The systems are breaking down and without different ways of seeing things. Those of us who don't have the gift that you have are still looking through the lens or like the ocean that we're swimming in.

We don't know that what we're swimming in is a broken system until someone like you that can see it differently from us delivers their perspective to the world. So please, please know that your gift is not something everybody has. And it's not something to be discounted or trifled with. It's important.

It's important now more than ever. So yeah, if you're struggling to kind of find the words or the way to deliver that message, I would love to invite you to download the storytelling guide that I introduced in the intro to this app. Or just head to my website, kp creative.com au. And that's kp K for the creative.

I know I can't spell as a copywriter. That's pretty funny, isn't it? Dot com au, I should say. So kp creative.com au. And. Yeah, I've got heaps of free resources, including this six-part series. So please marinate in it. And DM me on Insta or, you know, Facebook, wherever you're on the socials and be like, okay, this is the gift that I've got.

Where do I start? Because I know that we cannot afford to have holes in that energetic tea cozy. That's such a weird analogy. Anyway, have a beautiful day. Please listen in to parts two through six and yeah, do us a favor, deliver what you're desiring to deliver. Step up, use your voice, share with the rest of us, lead change.

You're important.



HEALERS + HELPERS!! Your Story Matters!

Download your FREE Storytelling 101 Guide here and learn the 6 Essential Stories You Should Be Sharing, because being the best kept secret on the internet is NOT helping your ideal fits-like-a-glove clients find you!

S3 E25: Patriarchy, Gender Socialisation + Misogyny: The Triple Threat with Lisa Merlo-Booth
S3 E27: Winter Storytelling Series Part 2 - YOU are the secret sauce


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