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What I Learnt from My Social Media Sabbatical

What I Learnt from my Social Media Sabbatical

It's been 6 whole weeks since I logged of the socials to take a sabattical as one-part
experiment // one-part need to make space coz study/work/life/fam was feeling way too

W-O-A-H is all I can say.

I knew the gram specially was taking a lot of space, and was my favourite procrasti-
scrolling tool, but I didn't expect quite this much magic to come out of taking some time out.

Since my last email lots had ben going on:

-> I thrived through the last month of winter,
our eldest turned 19, our youngest turned 18 and we hosted a party for fam and friends
from far and wide, I finished up my first term of a Cert IV through TAFE, I put myself
through a GD mini course, I hung out with the divine Sara from The Space in Between
in her Shine program, Mr P started a new position in Qld Fire and Emergency Services,
I recorded a big chunk of new Mind, Body, Breath tools for you, fire season has officially
kicked off with a huge fire in the Southern Downs region in country Queensland ....

and just as it sounds, life has been all round delicious, and hectic in equal measure.

And best of all, spring has SPRUNG (the pic is me yesterday lazing on the grass in
Queens Park which is filled to the brim with spectacular flowers for Carnival of

I thought I would have a lot to say once I came back on the socials, but I find that apart
from the regular posts which are all scheduled ahead of time, I am feeling less like I
want to share every single bit of me and my life on the gram.

And here's an off the cuff brain dump of what I learnt in my time off.

- my boundaries were shit around checking socials just to get a dopamine hit / a
feeling of faux connection - my ADHD brain feeds off the bells and whistles built
in to these platforms

- without the hit, I had a few days of “withdrawal” and then more than a month of
feeling the MOST spacious, relaxed and calm I have in a long time.
without there being something “easy” to check out with, I found myself

- checking in far more - far more connected to my internal landscape without the
external noise

- the space created filled with what has felt like an endless stream of crystal clear
clarity - so many pattern and habits bought into sharp focus - some that are
helpful and here to stay and a lot which are not and I have been doing the work
to cleanse, clear and release

- making space when I was in the Shine container with Sara Brookewhich is a program
focussed all around Self Worth helped me to really, really dive in to the

invitation to BE with ME - this program was profound, so many shifts, so many a-
ha moments around how my childhood shaped my wobbly self worth [I know

Sara will be running it again - so if it speaks to you go check it out here

- contrary to what I “feared”, rather than slow down my business ramped up - I
had more Storytelling meet and greets, had more new and returning clients join
me and secured three times more business than my best month since returning
to entrepreneurship - and ALL of this happened through word of mouth from
existing clients

- following the nudge to make space has really shown me how much my internal
guide knows what the heck she is talking about

- not taking in information from other sources [ahem ... people] has seen me
smack bang in my own lane and this makes my creatrix parts extraordinarily
happy - loud, productive and chirping away with new ideas and feeling like both
the design and storytelling parts of my brain are plugged in to some wild new
source of inspiration

In a nutshell, a social sabbatical has left me feeling present in my actual real life with
very little desire to share “outwardly”, way more connected to my own creativity flow,
and feeling like I am doing my best work ever
. . . all of which feels bloody delicious!

So now I'm back, I am feeling into how I can show up - and provide useful stuff for you!
- without tuning out, damaging my creative flow or procrasti-scrolling my way into

My key self-enquiry question if I pick up my phone and start clicking to the locked
down Insta app is “what am I actually looking for right now?” ... I promise you if you
have a weird relationship with the socials too, the answer may well surprise you!

It's got me thinking though - what else am I doing becuase it's an old well-worn habit?
and what else is my internal guidance system calling me to shed?


Need some time out too - download your FREE copy of my menoPAUSE Yoga Nidra Revolutionary Rest here.

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace
if you're magenta ... wtf are you sharing like you're beige?


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