Who doesn't love a little freebie on the side? 

Bring Your Book Baby to Life!


✍️ Hi There Aspiring Authoress!

Ready to go from spinning your "book writing" wheels to getting started WRITING the dang thing? 🙋‍♀️

No matter why you're stuck spinning your wheels right now, the truth is all good, powerful, purposeful books start with laying the simple and solid foundation of WHY, WHO, WHAT and HOW.

This foundation anchors your book by:

📚 acting as a filter for what “stays in” and what “gets left out” from your head-full-of-ideas

📚 giving your book crystal clear container for it's purpose and it's power and

📚 breaking down the medicine of your message, and how to deliver it in the most magnetic and transformative way


⬇️ Download your free guide for my fail-proof formula to uncover your WHY, WHO, WHAT and HOW ....

So you can finally stop all that "I want to write a book.. but I have NFI where to start" stuff and FINALLY get that powerful, purposeful message of yours out into the world!   

Get Instant Access to your FREE BOOK BABY GUIDE

Soul-Fuelled Storytelling 101  

Cookie-cutter copywriting frameworks would have you believe that you need to write in a specific way to get people to "take action" ...

But the problem is (for us heart-driven healers + helpers at least) treating people like a number and manipulating them through a sausage-factory style, impersonal funnel does NOT feel like how we would naturally engage and interact in the real.

--> Writing like this can feel like you are SELLING YOUR SOUL, and can fuel a mistaken belief you have be a BS artist to make it in business.

--> Worse still - you REPEL YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS - the ones who are deep feelers and thinkers like us, the ones who are ready for the transformation and paradigm-shifting work you actually do!

⬇️ Download your Free guide to learn ...

✍️ How to harness the power and magic of storytelling to (authentically) share you and your work in the world

✍️ How to communicate completely aligned and in sync with who you are in our natural habitat and

✍️ The 6 soul-fuelled stories you should be sharing 

so you can STOP leaving both INCOME and IMPACT on the table

Get Instant Access to your FREE STORYTELLING 101 GUIDE HERE

Superstar Storytelling love notes

Sign up for KP's Superstar Storytelling Love Notes!

Delivered weekly on Fridays. Each soul-fuelled love note includes:

  • The latest storytelling tips and tools for healers, helpers, paradigm shifters, and change agents
  • The newest podcast episode featuring real, raw stories of our latest guest setting themselves Wild (+ finally fcking) Free
  • Behind the scenes of KP’s own business and the evolution of her work from cookie cutter corporate copywriting on the job training to leading a storytelling-based creative agency KP Kreative and
  • Updates on the latest developments and storytelling specials tailored for you and your transformative work in the world